Web 2.0 Tools and Online Media can facilitate communication and encourage student usage of your library. We have to meet our students where they are...what they are using...what they are doing!
Google Hangouts
I love hangouts! We have conducted a few library meetings using this!
I love hangouts! We have conducted a few library meetings using this!
Quick way to grab students' attention to new books that we have!
Oh, my...I am so addicted to this. I can share, collaborate and find new ideas!
There are so many more Web 2.0 tools that I want to try! Where do you stop? You don't! Our teachers and students continually want to learn the newest technology available!
The two newest that I just heard about from students are flipogram and yodio.com!
The two newest that I just heard about from students are flipogram and yodio.com!